Enviropanel Provide A Complete Service For SIPs Construction Enviropanel offers a wide range of services to architects, builders, and specifiers. Using the most current, advanced technology, Enviropanel pre-cuts the panels including the window and door openings. By utilizing factory cut structural insulated panels, construction time, as well as site waste is kept to a minimum. Builders are able to see immediate savings in time and labour in addition to having a stronger, straighter finished product.
Panels & Ancilliary Items Enviropanel can supply standard 1200mm wide SIP panels in either 100, 125, 150 or 180mm thickness straight from the manufacturing process. Panel lengths up to 6000mm are available. We can also supply all related items including Glulam beams, I-joists, membranes, fixings, tools and sealants. Please contact us for price and availability.
Panel Engineering: Panels can be supplied pre-cut to size in our manufacturing facility. Factory cut panels can shorten construction time, minimize the potential for mistakes, reduce site waste, and allow the structure to be erected and watertight in the minimum of time. Panels engineered by Enviropanel are cut with precision, speed and accuracy including rakes, eaves, bevel cuts and openings for doors, windows and skylights. Panel edges can be grooved for spline joints or fully routed for inset timbers, sole plates, support posts etc.
Design Assistance: As part of a select group of partner companies, our designers and engineers can assist you with your design, panel options, and construction details. A full CAD design service is available. Talk to us early to take full advantage of all that Enviropanel SIPs have to offer.